“Manage complex product Backlogs and Agile Boards in an efficient manner and deliver value to customers much faster.”
Agile Tools & Filters for Jira Software extends the original Kanban or Scrum boards and backlogs by adding tools like JQL SearchBar planning filters and many other tools.
Key features

Easy board filtering and new Agile Tools

Complex JQL on Epics & Versions and Epics Warnings

User, board or global filters for all boards
See the video for a quick overview
User & admin guide
Find your Use Case
Searching on board & backlog
As a User I’d like to filter the board using a SearchBar instead of Quick Filters to find tasks
As a Scrum Master I’d like to filter Epic panel on the backlog using JQL to unclutter the Epic list
As a Scrum Master I’d like to filter out whole Sprints by sprint name to focus on the current one
Planning & organising
As a User I’d like to create my own set of private board filters not visible to others
As a Scrum Master I’d like to prepare Epic panel filters for a faster Sprint planning sessions
As a Scrum Master I’d like to print unprinted cards only with Agile Cards to save time and paper
As a Scrum Master I’d like to see “Closed” Epics having open issues to fix my Agile Process
Configuring the look & feel of a board
As a User I’d like to configure the default SearchBar fields you’d like to see by default
As a Board admin I’d like to customise the look & feel of the board for the team
Managing my, board or global filters
As a Jira admin I’d like to create a set of default board filters for all Jira users
As a Board admin I’d like to import, clone or export filters between boards